
Calling all women who desire a deeper sense of meaning, purpose, and fulfillment in their lives.

Chances are, your life is going okay; on the outside, at least. You have a job, good relationships, and a general sense of being on track. And yet there is an unsettling feeling under the surface that something isn’t quite right.

You think,  “I just need to be more patient” or “If I put a little more effort in” or even “I’m just never fully satisfied, that’s my character”. You keep putting off real happiness because somewhere inside you, you don’t think it will ever happen to you. True happiness is for others, you might tell yourself.

Perhaps it has been more comfortable to stay where you are than it has been to change towards a more truthful way of being. Only now, you’re not so comfortable, and the dissatisfaction gnaws, no matter how much you try to avoid it.

It’s becoming less tolerable to be inauthentic.

I completely get it. For a lot of my life, it seemed easier for me to go along with what others thought was a good way to do life, than it was for me to figure out what gave me true satisfaction. After all, they must have known better, right? It seemed to be working for them. And the truth was, I had no idea how I really felt or what made me happy. I heard people say “follow your heart”, but honestly I did not know that I wasn’t, my rational decisions seemed to feel synonymous with my heart. My deepest and truest desires often seemed so illogical, even outrageous at times. Following those might have lead me into the gutter, for all I knew. And I was too scared to find out.

Until I really took a stand for trusting my intuition and taking care of myself in all levels of health and well-being, I wasn’t able to see through the ‘shoulds’, and I was blind to the fear that was in the driver’s seat. What I’ve discovered along the way is something very different than that; how to be radiant, aligned with my heart, at peace, and completely lit up by my life. 

By learning about and understanding what health in all areas of life looks like for you, it will allow you to experience life richly, fully, and in complete alignment with your purpose and desires. Creating radiant health on an intuitive level goes much deeper than simply eating right or working on your relationships. Having the strong foundations of a holistic sense of well-being will allow you to move through this world on purpose, present, and connected to everyone and everything.

 It’s time for a richer and more purposeful experience.

Click here to learn more about my story.